DDL-hub is back with new stuff.......

So as i mentioned in my previous post that the website was shutting down. Let first explain why was that.

So the reason was because of the WordPress and the custom theme called dooplay. Both were making the site very slow and also didn't offer very flexibility. So to overcome the situation people mentioned to buy powerful server or a dedicated server. Let's be clear i don't have that much money and i am not making a shit tone of money from the website (for real i cant even buy a snacks with how much this website generate revenue).

So first i thought it was the time to end my fun project and move one, and i did. For couple of months. Then i thought what if i make the whole website by my self, and i did.

Took me around a month or so to build and design and develop this fucking website. Day and night. And i thought why only make this website for myself when i can make the website for every on the planet earth to add shit into it, and i did.

Now anyone can add movies or tv shows to the website of it is Missing or not added yet.

Anyone can add links to the movies or new episodes. (Not all but most of the links will be manually looked upon and if found suspecies will be removed)

To balance things i added a reported section, when clicked will mark the link and will then definitely go through manual inspection. If no error found with the link. The report mark will be lifted. If found any error or something malicious. Will definitely remove it.

Now that's out of the way you may be wondering why i make the whole website by myself.

Answer : first it is much faster and reliable than the WordPress site. And alot less exposed then that. And also provide alot of flexibility for me to work with. And the site is very Small as compared to WordPress that you wouldn't believe. 5MB to be precise.

In all honesty, I don't believe or want to make my living off of this this website and will never do. This is a fun project and i want to pursue it as that. If i would try to make shit tone of money from this site then their is no difference between me and all the other websites out their.

If you are reading this from top to here. I appreciate you took that time to listen to me.

For all the people or dev's out there i am planning on making an API which will let to access to all the links that this site has to offer.

And if you want to improve the site or anything. Please comment on any movies or tv with a link to anything because those comments will be manually moderate. Or you can also join my discord server. Link will be on the FAQ page on the website.

Till the peace. And remember this is only official place that i will post the news about the website and stuff so bookmark it. ✌️


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