How to Download ?

So a lot of you ask on how to download or having issues with the download.

below is a brief overview of how to download.

When you are at the desired "Stuff" page you go ahead click on the download button.

remember the download button below the player might not work so, I would suggest you use the player download button.

Remember Player only contain the English Language "Stuff" if you desire other languages look below the player for other links.

with that out of the way now follow the steps. in these steps, we will be doing the player download but the other one is the same.

Step 1.

Step 2. Now Proceed to where it says "Download" on the next page.

Step 3. Now A new tab will open click on "Proceed" on the next page and you will be able to access the openload link.

Openlaod link will open in the new tab and you will be able to download.


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